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Humanoo Success Story: Computacenter


Computacenter is a public company quoted on the London FTSE 250 and employs over 18,000 people worldwide. The company is a leading independent technology partner, trusted by large corporate and public sector organizations. Computacenter helps customers source, transform and manage technology infrastructure to deliver digital transformation, enabling people and their businesses.

At Humanoo, we value the satisfaction of our partners and customers. We, therefore, talked to Silke Puetz, HR Manager and Operations Manager Group Business Services at Computacenter.

In this short interview, Silke Puetz discusses how Humanoo has positively impacted Computacenter’s business and helped its employees to get together by enhancing productivity and engagement.

Humanoo: In which industry do you work?

Silke Puetz: IT, information technology

Humanoo: What health-related challenges have you faced, and what solution have you been looking for?

Silke Puetz: One of the biggest health-related challenges was supporting our employees during the extended lockdown periods. Work and private life were different from what we were used to knowing. There were contact restrictions, and little to no possibility to go out of one’s home. All the social activities were closed, and sports clubs could not offer on-site training. Rules were different in the various countries where Computacenter operates, but all of them had one thing in common: Private and professional life took place almost exclusively within one’s own four walls.

It was physically and mentally challenging for most people. For this reason, we wanted to offer new well-being measures easily reachable via mobile phone.

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Humanoo: Why did you choose Humanoo?

Silke Puetz: It was essential to find a service that we could use in the different countries of our group organisation.

The availability of English, German, French, and Italian was an essential requirement. We were also looking for a provider that covers the four pillars of our BeWell approach: Exercise Well, Eat Well, Think Well and Sleep Well. Humanoo convinced us with its profound expertise in all these areas.

Humanoo is my pocket gym: I can use it everywhere, even while travelling, and all the well-being offers are available on one platform only: a kaleidoscopic mix of online courses, knowledge articles, and live classes.

Humanoo: What was the highest success moment you experienced together with Humanoo?

Silke Puetz: That was our BeWell Step challenge. 360 teams from all the Computacenter countries competed against each other and, in doing so, walked around the world 14.3 times. The Step Challenge connected us around the globe. It was so fun to see all the photos and videos they shared!

But most importantly, the competition led to a significant boost in team spirit and exercise in our employees’ lives: this is the goal we wanted to reach with Humanoo!

Humanoo: How has Humanoo improved your daily life and that of your employees?

Silke Puetz: My favourites are the short exercises: Relaxing the eyes or movements for the neck, shoulders, and back, perfect for break moments and which I also like to do in the fresh air.

Feedbacks from colleagues are also lavish: They try out and share recipes and challenge each other with the numerous step challenges available. Many start the day with some yoga practices and end it with relaxation or meditation exercises. Humanoo pushes all of us to be healthier every day.

Humanoo: What is your motivation to make people healthier?

Silke Puetz: There is a close connection between physical and mental health. I want to create an effective network of support services: all of us need help in different areas of life. Whether it is work or family-related issues, stress management, or depression, people face many problems in their everydayness. We want to be there for them to support them in every step of the way.

Mitarbeitende von Computacenter verlassen das Gebäude

Humanoo: What health KPIs have you achieved with Humanoo?

Silke Puetz: Within a short time, 30% of employees across the group have registered on the app. It’s remarkable how the offer has been so well received among our collaborators.

Humanoo: What advice would you give to someone facing the same challenges as yours and thinking about utilising Humanoo?

Silke Puetz: Even if the offer is excellent, it is not enough to make it available and communicate it with one launch. Think about internal communication and plan time and resources accordingly. Regular communication is the key to transmitting the individual offers related to well-being topics and actions. It is the best way to harvest the most out of the Humanoo broad offer, foster employees’ happiness and healthiness, and improve performance and engagement.

Humanoo: What are your following health goals?

Silke Puetz: We want to continue to promote our existing offers and incorporate them into onboarding processes for higher awareness and subsequent engagement. We are also looking forward to enhancing the proposition to address the growing well-being needs across the different countries of our group organisation by widening the offered services.