Recreational athletes training endurance don’t like strength training at all, preferring to focus on conditioning. After a break from exercising, you should not miss out on strength training: By building up your muscles in a targeted way, you will be able to reach your old endurance training performance levels quickly. Do not forget to train your body control: coordination is very important as your joints and tendons could have become rusty during the break. A great way is to use a wobble board, known from physiotherapy, for some minutes a day.
Interruption in training: as short as possible, as long as necessary
Try to keep the training breaks as short as possible to lose minimal performance. If you have to take a longer break due to illness or injury, the break must last until your doctor approves the training.
Try to return to the game gradually and train in short sessions. In this way, the workout will come back naturally as a routine again after your break.
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