Do you still have some questions about Humanoo? We are here to help you.

Data Privacy/GDPR

Is Humanoo GDPR compliant?

Yes, we are fully GDPR compliant. You can find more information on this page.

Are my employees’ data anonymized?

The app only communicates and stores data in encrypted form. Neither you nor we can see which employees are doing activities on Humanoo. However, each quarter, you’ll get an aggregated report with all the activities of your employees. 

Want to know more about our Privacy Policy?

If you want to learn more about our Privacy Policy, you can find all the information on this page.

Usability - Humanoo app

Which languages are available for the app?

Currently, our Humanoo app is available in English, Flemish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese.

Can I have access to the app without registering through a company?

No, your Humanoo account is tied to your employer or insurance.

Usability - HealthOS

What is Humanoo’s HealthOS?

The Humanoo HealthOS is our digital B2B platform. It is your control center for all things Humanoo. You can get more information about HealthOS on this page or through your customer success manager.

How can I get access to the HealthOS?

Your designated Customer Success Manager will grant you access to your HealthOS. After that, you can add anyone from your company as an admin.

Team Building

Kann ich meine Challenges auf Humanoo erstellen?

Yes, anyone can create a challenge on Humanoo. To learn more about challenges, visit our dedicated page.

What are the types of challenges available?

We currently support 3 types of challenges: step, mindfulness, and cycling. However, as a user, you can only create step challenges.

Do my employees all have to be in the exact location to use the app?

No, they don’t. That’s why having a digital OHM tool is the way to go. No matter where your employees are, they can access Humanoo: working from home, on holiday, in a warehouse, or at their desks!


What fitness trackers are compatible with Humanoo?

Humanoo is compatible with over 90% of fitness devices, including the most popular ones, such as Apple Watches, Fitbits, and Garmin.

Can I connect my HR tool to the HealthOS?

Our HealthOS connects with over 40 of the world’s leading HR tools. You’ll be able to integrate your HR data seamlessly into Humanoo.

Are there other health apps that I can connect to Humanoo?

Users can now connect other mindfulness apps to Humanoo to gain diamonds for any mindfulness activities. We also integrate the steps count with their phone’s health app.


Can I have a white-label version of Humanoo?

If you want to create a white-label version of Humanoo, please fill out the form at the end of the page. We will get back to you quickly!


How can I contact Sales?

To contact Sales, please fill out the form at the end of the page. Someone will contact you shortly.

How can I contact Customer Support?

You can contact Customer Support directly on the app. If you cannot access the Humanoo app, contact them here: support@humanoo.de.

Ready to take the leap? Contact our teams right now!